Self care: Me too not Me First,
Self care isn’t about making you the number one priority and ignoring the needs of everyone around you. Self care means “me too”.
Self care isn’t about making you the number one priority and ignoring the needs of everyone around you. Self care means “me too”.
Join Debs from Life AsPland as she chats to Jo Henley (of Ojo’s World) about setting three alarms, coffee in bed, choosing your plates and her love of lists.
Self Care – Not a priority, sorry! How often do you put you first? How often do you do something that is just for your benefit and no one else’s? How often do you make time for yourself, to have a pamper, go for a run, meditate, write, read, watch a movie, paint, crochet, go…
Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you. Anne Lamot How often do you take the time to do nothing? Absolutely nothing. Time to forget everything that is going on around you? Time to recharge your batteries? Time to just unwind? Why not? Anyone who worked in an…
I love the stuff. Be it as a bar of just chocolate or a bar with fruit, nuts, biscuit, caramel or nougat or a biscuit or a cake or a pudding. Chocolate is my thing.
I love lists. I have lists for everything
They had been so helpful in the past, I had always been given the correct phrase and it always worked. It never crossed my mind to check!
I love these 20 minute talks offering inspiration, motivation and education
I am always looking for ways to make me feel better. Or more accurately, ways to make me feel better which do not involve large quantities of chocolate.
Ask yourself “If I was a successful author/blogger/runner, etc – what would I be doing now?”.
When someone says something about you, it is all about their frame of mind and how they are feeling.
When I first heard about Vision Boards (aka Dream boards), I thought “oh that’s nice but I don’t have magazines and glue sticks lying around and I have no intention of buying them”. I moved on.
As well as thinking about the goal and the steps you need to take; also think about what doesn’t motivate you.
Success should be aligned to your deepest values. Values are things like leadership, compassion, community, friendship, and kindness.
My name is Debs and I am a stationery addict. I love notebooks, planners, pens, pencils and all things stationery.
What stops you achieving your goals? What are the reasons you don’t finish? What’s stopping you?
Are you really good at being there for everyone else but fail miserably when it comes to asking for help when you need it?
In the words of Oprah – you can have it all, just not all at once
I have found, over the years, that once I am trying to do something that doesn’t fit with my values, then it becomes a chore and moves down my to do list – forever.
The diet can start on Monday. Or after the holidays. Or once all the rubbish has been consumed in the house. Or until you have had chance to go shopping for some healthy alternatives?
The list is actually endless. It doesn’t need to cost anything but your time. Yes, you can buy a coffee for the person behind you in the queue or even pay for a meal for someone, but sadly not everyone is in a position to have spare cash.
What one thing could you do today to help you reach your goal?
Today, I am sharing something I recently read, a story about an Indian man and a wolf – or two.
Write down a list of everything you are trying to do. All the things that don’t usually go on your to do list.
We are our own worst enemy. We speak to ourselves in ways we would never speak to a good friend.
When did you last have fun? I don’t mean a day away, a week off or a visit to the local Comedy store. I mean the sort of fun that you can schedule into every day?
After much laughter, it was obvious to the police office that a) we were in a car we were not familiar with, b) we were tourists and c) we thought he was very cute.
You are not for them and they are not for you. You are not their cup of tea and they are not yours.
It only takes 5 days and is not a diary you complete every evening, forever. You just do this for 5 days and then when you need a boost, you do it again.
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