Woman relaxing on a a large arm chair

Unplug for a few minutes

Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you. Anne Lamot

How often do you take the time to do nothing? Absolutely nothing.

Time to forget everything that is going on around you?

Time to recharge your batteries?

Time to just unwind?

Why not?

Anyone who worked in an office in the 90’s and 00’s, will remember ringing your IT department because your computer had stopped doing what you wanted it to, only to be asked “have you tried pressing Ctrl Alt Delete?”

This usually happened in the middle of something urgent or important; and you probably promised yourself you would save your work as you went along in future.

Ctrl Alt Delete was one way to recharge your computer and get back to what you were doing.

It was your computer’s way of unplugging itself to take a break.

During the time we had to wait for the computer to fire back up, we probably grabbed a coffee or had a quick chat with a work mate.

We took a break too. Without even realising.

Unplug yourself

When everything seems to be getting too much and you are close to throwing your Mac or PC in the bin or almost ready to pack up and leave home – alone, unplug yourself.

Walk away from the computer.

Unplug yourself

Give yourself five minutes to just unwind.

If you can’t find leave home (I am writing this during Coronavirus Lockdown), then escape to the loo, the garden, the balcony or your bedroom. Just for five minutes.

Count to ten, breathe, read a magazine, flip through your Facebook or Instagram feed – anything different to what was causing you to feel stressed.

You could even just make a cuppa and enjoy the time it takes you to drink it – without doing anything else.

Unplugging yourself works. It’s something we can all do – just a quick break from the reality.

How do you unplug yourself?

How do you unplug yourself? Share what works for you.



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