Taking care of myself doesn't me first, it means me too - motivational quote

Self care: Me too not Me First,

Self care isn't about making you the number one priority and ignoring the needs of everyone around you. Self care means "me too".

“I haven’t got time to think about me, self care is something other people do”

“I’ll look after myself once I’ve sorted everyone else’s problems out”

“I’ll be ok, it’s just what we do, isn’t it?”

Sound familiar?

Taking care of myself doesn't mean "me first", it means "me too". - L R Knost. Motivational Quote

Self care isn’t about making you the number one priority and ignoring the needs of everyone around you. Self care means “me too”.

Self care is about appreciating that you, in whatever role you have, need to be included in the list of things you care for.

As I mentioned in a previous post, self care allows you to give the world the best of you, not just what’s left of you.

If you don’t spend some time looking after yourself, be that mentally, physically, emotionally or through social connection, you will crash and burn. What use will you be to the people depending on you then?

Self Care Challenge

So today, think of the one thing you could do to include yourself in all the care you give. It doesn’t need to be a whole day pamper, or a whole day doing everything just for you. In real life we don’t always have the time for that.

It could be:

  • a chat with a friend
  • a ten minute walk
  • 20 mins with your favourite book
  • listen to music
  • a word search puzzle
  • drinking a cup of tea or coffee while it’s still hot

One small thing, that takes very little time, can make a huge difference.

When the kids have left for the day, before I put a load of washing in, before I open up my Mac, before I look at my to do list, before I drag the hoover out, before I do anything for anyone else, I sit in the garden with a cup of tea that’s still hot and connect with a friend. It can be via my Facebook group or a direct WhatsApp message to a friend to check in and see how they are doing.

If you are looking for a group who offer support, where each day you share one thing you will do and then check in later to let us know if you “did the thing”, join us. It’s become my favourite space on Facebook. No judgement, shared ideas on how to get things done, and a pat on the back when things get cleared off lists. Click on the image below to join in.

Facebook group - click on this image to go to the group

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