What does Participation look like as a diagram?

What does Participation look like as a diagram?

As I sat scrolling through Twitter a few weeks ago, I came across a conversation that set me thinking. Kath Evans (Head of Patient Experience at NHS England) was asking if people preferred an image showing “the ladder of participation” or “the circle of involvement”. Circle, Ladder or Venn? Initially I sat and thought “definitely…

I have a dream

I have a dream

On St George’s Day, as we approach the next General Election, I wanted to remind us of the awe-inspiring speech by the Rev Dr Martin Luther King on August 28, 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial. The speech was a defining moment of the American Civil Rights Movement. One person with a dream can make a difference…

Should motivational speakers make you feel like a failure?

Should motivational speakers make you feel like a failure?

I am a big fan of those books you find in “personal development” sections of a bookstore.  Robin Sharma, Tony Robbins, Bob Proctor, Lisa Nichols, Brene Brown, Jack Caulfield.  Bring them on.  The more, the merrier.  My hubby refers to me as his dippy hippy wife but he happily buys more for me to read…

Five goals for October

I love October, it is definitely one of my favourite months.  It’s that Autumn feel, it’s my wedding anniversary, it’s my twins’ birthday and it is halloween – my kids’ second favourite holiday. October brings dark evenings, leaves crunching under your feet and the countdown to Christmas – my kids’  favourite holiday. The first of…

Divided we fall…

Most of us did not chose to live in this community, we were dropped into it.  Dropped in from a great height, very quickly, with no warning and no safety net or soft landing We eventually start to find our feet, although most of us probably fell back down on a number of occasions and, as my son…

Today, I lost a friend

Today, I lost a friend

Today I lost a friend.  Those five words cannot convey the heartbreak I am feeling. I lost an amazing friend who has been part of my life for over 20 years.  He was the type of friend everyone should have.  My life was certainly richer for knowing him. Who was Jeremy? A friend who didn’t judge. A…


Why is it that when you have read everything you can about your children’s known conditions, another one pops up to knock the wind out of your sails? Why is it that your children’s conditions cause such mayhem and turn your life upside down in a way no one can understand unless they’ve been there?…

An image of earth seen from space

Stop the world

Today has been one of those days when I wanted to just say “stop the ride, I want to get off”. Yesterday my gorgeous youngest son started to have unexplained black outs, so as we have an amazing GP, we went along last night. We had to return this morning for bloods. Now, Emla cream,…

Plots and Plans

I love January! Over the last few days, I have had lovely long catch up chats with my partners in crime work colleagues and I am now so motivated but desperately looking for the best Productivity App to utilise. Initially I had a lovely catch up with my counterpart in my new role with Community…

Daring Greatly?

Some of you may have noticed a new photo appearing in my side bar. I am Daring Greatly. What does this actually mean?  About a month ago, I was recommended a book by Brene Brown – The Gifts of Imperfection.  I couldn’t download it on my kindle here in the UK but I could download it via…

Top Tips for SENCOs

I have been approached by a magazine and asked for my views on the following: How should SENCOs involve parents in the decision making process and plan for their child? What can SENCOs do to improve co-production and communication in general? What types of questions do you think parents will be asking of SENCOs over…

What is Respect?

As a parent of three children with a variety of SEN and Disability, I often said “I just wish they would show me some respect”.  One day I was challenged to define what I meant by Respect, so I went to several parents like me and asked. This is what they said   What else…