#Thinkingslimmer with Slimpod

Too much on my plate? Or Just Enough and Thinking Slimmer?

It's been easy to fail at weight loss because everyone expects me to and I am always hearing that I should stop worrying about my weight, because I have enough on my plate without adding to it.

A month or two ago, I mentioned I was using a Slimpod with Thinking Slimmer.  It has been a really interesting experiment.

As you all know I have three children (with the grand total of 14 months between them) – one has ASD and hydrocephalus, one is blind and one has developmental delay, oral dyspraxia and autistic traits. For so long now, they have been my excuse.

I have spent the last 10 years letting others feel sorry for me and allowing myself to feel excused from any personal responsibility for my weight – or any other hiccup in my life.  In fact, it has been so easy to fail at this because everyone expects me to and I am always hearing that I should stop worrying about my weight, because I have enough on my plate without adding to it.

Well enough of enough on my plate. It was having too much on my plate that got me here to begin with.  Time to start being accountable for myself and take some positive actions.

NEW-slimpod-graphic-6The Slimpod with Thinking Slimmer has worked really well for me.  Why?  What is different to this than other pods and programmes?

1.  The time.  The actual slimpod is less than 9 minutes.  I found that if I had to listen to the usual pods of 20+ minutes, I found excuses about not having the time.  In fact, I even did this for a few weeks with Slimpod.  As part of the 12 week programme, we were sent a Chillpod and a Fitpod.  Both of them are around the same length of time.  So, of course, listening to them all each day brings you to nearly half an hour.  So I started to find myself saying “I don’t have time today” especially during the joy of Easter holidays.  However, when I found myself starting to revert back to bad habits (e.g. waking at 3am with a child and then creeping downstairs and eating a full easter egg), I made myself listen. In fact, I lay down to listen to it as I was still feeling sick from the sugar rush of one Easter egg and two creme eggs in one blast!

I now listen daily to the Slimpod and then if I have time throughout the day I listen to the chill/fit pod.  I find that listening to the Slimpod in the morning and then the Chill/Fit pod at bedtime seems to work really well for me.  However, if I only get time for one, it is the Slimpod and everyone has 9 minutes available.

2.  Writing down three positives every day.  Focusing on the small changes every evening has really helped me to not feel like a failure if I slip up.  Instead I celebrate the positives and this inspires me to do well the next day.

3.  There is no set “you cannot do this, you must do this” and that works better for me.  I am one of life’s rebels and I hate being told what I can or can’t do.  When someone says “you can’t do ………..”, I just sit there and think “want to bet?”

4.  A supportive Facebook group.  Having a group of people going through the same things, facing the same food challenges, there to support you without judging has been great.

5.  A wealth of information is provided on diet, sugar, exercise and goal setting.  This makes the whole programme so much more than most weight loss programmes.

Would I recommend it?

The last five weeks have been really challenging for me.  My mum who is fit, eats healthily, doesn’t smoke and isn’t a big drinker suddenly had a stroke.  Well actually she had about five mini strokes and needed to have her carotid artery cleared and patched up.  This was a real shock to all of us.  Listening to mum speak the day after her stroke and hearing her slur and forget what she was saying was just heart breaking.  I made the trip home for a week and now, thankfully five weeks on, you would never know she had had anything happen.

On my return, my eldest son managed to tear ligaments in his ankle but with his high pain threshold, this meant a week of almost sitting on him to keep him resting his foot.  A frustrating week with a “to do” list growing longer and longer.

Then I had three weeks of Easter holidays with no PA/Carer available but 24 Easter eggs in the house.

Last year, I managed to gain 7lb in the Easter break.  This year, I didn’t gain a pound.

Last year (and in previous years), I have had to replace several of my children’s easter eggs after having horrendous chocolate binges.  I have sat in bathrooms and bedrooms, hiding from my husband, my kids and some would say myself, and gorging on chocolate.   With the exception of the one egg binge, I have left the eggs alone.

Having used the Slimpod for 12 weeks, I have lost 10lb in total.  This may not sound great for 12 weeks but during that time, I had the 5 challenging weeks.  Normally this would have produced a weight gain and a feeling of “oh woe is me, let’s eat”.

So YES, YES and YES!  If you are looking for a change for life, then this is definitely the way to go.

What else is new?

I have tried, and thoroughly enjoyed, green smoothies after years of gagging at the very idea.

I have lost 1″ from my neck, 1.5″ off my chest, 2″ off my hips, 2″ off my left thigh and 1.5″ off my right thigh and most impressively, 4″ off my waist!

I have been more positive about life, in general.

I have found myself able to make healthy choices without feeling deprived.

I have upped my steps on my Fitbit and last week, in a weekly challenge with friends, I was not last!

What next?

I am going to continue with the pods and the lovely Sandra has also kindly sent me a pod they offer just for chocolate addicts like me.

I am going to shout out to everyone to try this.  Please, if you are sat thinking about eating that huge slab of cake, or that huge chunk of chocolate.  Go to Thinking Slimmer instead and buy the Slimpod instead.

I will keep you all posted with my progress.  Actually writing down the results for this post has inspired me all over again.

So here’s to having just enough on my plate and not too much!


* This post contains affiliate links. In plain English, this means that I may receive a small commission (at no cost to you) if you subscribe or purchase something through the links provided. You will never see me post a link to a product or service that I haven’t used myself and love! 




  1. So very pleased for you and empathise with so much of what you have to say including being one of life’s rebels. This is such an empowering tool and not only with slimming but I find like you generally. Here’s to us and all who think slim and live happier with us.
    If you ever want to share your great attitude on my blog by telling your story, let me know. Always keen to spread the word about Mumstory.

    1. Thanks Kate – I would love to do a guest post. Just tell me what you are looking for, what would your readers enjoy and I would be delighted. Thanks for the opportunity. Debs x

  2. Sandra actually pointed me in your direction today, and you have described me perfectly. I’m using it as an excuse.
    Life had been hard the last couple of weeks, and I can feel myself slipping.
    Thanks for working this, I wanted to let you know it’s helped me xxx

    1. I am so glad this helped, Ojo. I think we are all guilty of making one excuse or another, and some of us have more of these than others to use. You can do this, I can do this! Get that fitbit going!

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