
Today, I lost a friend

Today I lost a friend.  Those five words cannot convey the heartbreak I am feeling.

I lost an amazing friend who has been part of my life for over 20 years.  He was the type of friend everyone should have.  My life was certainly richer for knowing him.

Who was Jeremy?

A friend who didn’t judge.

A friend who helped put me back together when relationships failed.

A friend who made me laugh more than any other person.

A friend who made me laugh with just one word or one look.

A friend who knew how to have fun and party.

A friend who would dress up as a Gypsy fortune teller at company’s parties

A friend who spent hours making a papier mache Island for a company party with each member of staff having something on there named after them.  I had “Swindley’s Peaks” for fairly obvious reasons.

A friend who would give up his bed for his guests

A friend who would leave Action Man figures in his bed so you didn’t feel lonely or bad about having no boyfriend

A friend who introduced me to some other fun loving and wonderful men

A friend who holidayed with me (before children)

A friend who loved that the Turkish cafe owner asked him was he “happy” and did he like other “happy” men?

A friend who happily line-danced with the over 70’s in the bar

A friend who loved charity shops and bargains

A friend who loved music from every era

A friend who knew more about the history of this country than any history teacher I had ever had

A friend who made history come to life

A friend who researched his family tree and was determined to find that we were related somehow – he was adamant he looked too much like my Dad for us not to be related.

A friend who shouted “D H Darling” whenever you left the room to get anything.  D H = Do Hurry.

A friend who took me into a gay bar and insisted on calling me Lesley Ann.

A friend who left messages on my ansaphone which started “you’re probably under a sweaty lorry driver” – when he hadn’t realised that my mum was visiting.

A friend who assured me I could still do handstands in my 30’s after a few drinks – I really couldn’t

A friend who believed in Narnia.

A friend who brought a bag with his drill to work instead of a bag with his lunch – we were never sure how heavy his lunch must be

A friend who organised my hen night and turned his home into “Aspland Manor” for a weekend.

A friend who organised top hat and tails for the men at the hen night.

A friend who stood next to me at my wedding as my best man.

A friend who dieted more than I did before my wedding as he had to give his measurements for a kilt he had to wear

A friend who worried for weeks about what to wear under the kilt

A friend who gave a Best Man’s speech at my wedding that shared the real me with my friends and family

A friend who was proud of what I achieved in my career

A friend who was so proud of my family and all their differences

A friend who asked if I was sure my daughter was mine when he first met her – because she was so pretty

A friend who made me realise I had to celebrate what I had achieved rather than focussing on what I hadn’t.

The list could on for a long time.

Jeremy was Jem.  Jem by name and a Gem by nature.  He was one of life’s good guys and was loved by so many.  He was someone I am totally honoured to have called my friend.

I will miss him everyday.

RIP my beautiful friend.  I hope you find the peace you need.

Jeremy Ian Jones

03.12.58 – 12.07.14




  1. he was indeed a top bloke, and the “maid of honours” speech he gave at your wedding is legendary.

  2. That’s one of the most moving blog posts I’ve ever read. Jeremy sounds like they broke the mold when they made him, never to be forgotten 🙂

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