To do two things at once is to do neither

Focus, focus, focus

To do two things at once is to do neither - Pubilius Syrus
To do two things at once is to do neither”
Pubilius Syrus

If you are anything like me, you are possibly involved in several projects.

Maybe you’re not involved in lots of projects, but you are trying to juggle work, home, me-time, keeping fit, being a mum/dad, and somehow trying to find time to write that book or redecorate that room. or learn a new skill

I am sure it’s something we can all relate to.

Do you find yourself jumping from task to task, just wading through a list, and hoping for the best?

How come some people seem to juggle this so much better than others? How do they seem to be involved with lots of things but still get things done.


Those who seem to juggle better than others, often tend to have learned the skill of focus.

For example, think about how you work. When are you at your most productive?

If mornings see you producing masterpieces that involve a lot of thinking, then this would appear to be a good time to schedule some time to focus on the more complicated tasks.

Group them together (eg reports, then accounts, then plans) for the best results. This helps your brain stay in the right mode to complete each task.

Are afternoons when you’re at your most creative? Then make sure the brain-draining tasks are not left until later in the day. Focus on the more creative tasks eg editing photos, taking photos, creating images, writing, etc. Again, group the tasks together so you are focussing on just one skill set at a time.

Some tasks need doing but are quite monotonous, don’t drain your brain power by doing these when your brain is at its optimum capacity. Save those tasks for when your brain needs a break and you can work on auto pilot.

If you know that you feel better after exercise but often don’t feel up to it at the end of the day, then add that to your morning focus. Get it ticked off your list first thing and then make the most of that feel-good factor to help you through the tasks you don’t enjoy or keep putting off.

Have one focus at a time.

Trying to do two things at once never creates the best results. Mixing up tasks at the wrong time of day for you also creates poor results. Stay focussed. One thing at a time, at the right time for you.

Focussing on the right tasks at the right time will help you enormously.

Let me know how this works for you, I am always looking for different ways of working as I know that what works for one doesn’t always work for another.



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