The first thing I had to clean today was my blog. It’s been months since I last wrote on here and the number of updates was frightening. However, I have committed to writing a post every day in November as a way of kicking my butt back into action. Thanks to the lovely Elizabeth at Elizabeth Dhokia for coming up with the challenge and thanks to T over at Mummy Barrow for sharing it.
I am supposed to share something new and personal today so I thought I would tell you a bit about me and some of my goals for 2018/19.
I am Debs. Mum of three. Wife of one. Owned by one dog.
All of my children have some type of Special Educational Needs (SEN) or Disability.
Chaos in Kent represents our reality.
My eyebrows desperately need shaping!
I grew up in the North West but have lived down South for several years. I have written about being a Northerner down South and the things I miss about the North or love about the South.
I am one of the organisers of Festability – an inclusive music festival in Kent. We held the first event this year and had over 1700 people attend. Glastonbury had 1500 to their first event – just saying.
I run Bringing Us Together with a great friend from Halifax. Thank God for phones, Skype and FB messenger.
I helped to get the BAPS Awards from a chat in a FB group to a reality. BAPs is a blogging awards evening for parents who blog about SEND. BAPS = Blo**dy Awesome ParentS.
I may sound super organised and as if I have my shit together but I am in fact the Queen of Procrastination. Why do it today if I can do it tomorrow? There is always another box set or Instagram story to watch.
I love genealogy and would love to do that full time as a job. I have managed to find connections to some very colourful characters in my own tree – related by marriage to Ned Kelly and my 11 x Great Grandad is the 4 x Great Grandad of George Washington! My husband’s tree is even more colourful and could safely be called Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves.
I have recently started to enjoy cleaning. Mostly due to finding the amazing TeamTOMM – The Organised Mum’s Method. 30 minutes a day is all it takes and it’s do-able!
I previously worked in Travel – starting as an 18-30 rep but the less said about that the better!!
I don’t play well with egos. As soon as egos arrive, I find myself switching off and moving on.
I am on day 11 of no chocolate and day 4 of not replacing chocolate with ginger biscuits or coconut rings!

I love love love the Beach. We bought a caravan near Dymchurch in Kent – only a short drive from where we live but it’s my go to happy place and a great place for my family to unwind whenever we want.
I am an avid reader and podcast listener. I love learning new things and getting new ideas from other people.
I am an ideas person who often needs reigning in but I also get bored quickly so lots of my ideas stay in notebooks!
I am a Life Coach and Business Mentor. I love this role above everything else. Getting someone from a “WTF – what do I do” state to “I think I’ve got this” is so rewarding. To be honest, what I really love is that it isn’t related to SEND. Everything in my life is SEND related (you may have noticed) and as passionate as I am about that, it’s so nice to do something which is outside the SEND Line. This is one of my goals for the next 12 months, to make more time for coaching and promoting my coaching.
So that’s a bit about me! Presented in true Chaos style. All over the place.
Day two of the challenge coming tomorrow.
Woah. Do you have enough things on the go there? I thought I was juggling enough.
It sounds chaotic, doesn’t it but somehow it works.
I flipping love this! I could actually hear you reading it! Fab to have you back x
It feels good to be back. I chose to forget all SEO rules and just go with the flow. It felt so much better.