5 Motivational TED Talks

I love these 20 minute talks offering inspiration, motivation and education

The last month has been frenetic.

On 12 May, Festability happened.  I was one of the three organisers and a whole new world of festival language and planning took over my life.

On 14 May, we launched our “Impact on parent carers health” report.

On 18 May, I was the co-host for our BAPS Awards – a blogging awards evening for parent carers who blog about their child or young person with SEN.

Add to this the joy of looking for a new school, half term, recruiting a new PA for the boys and I have been left feeling emotionally and physically drained.

Trying to get back into the swing of everyday life – writing posts, coaching, housework (!), paperwork, workshops, etc – was just not happening.

5 TED Talks to motivate youMotivational TED Talks

I turned to an old friend – TED talks.  I love these 20 minute talks offering inspiration, motivation and education.

Ideas worth spreading is their strap line so I wanted to share five of the TED talks I watched to motivate me again.

Some are very popular posts you may have already seen, some are possibly not.

And just for fun

I would love to hear which TED talks work for you?

It’s my turn to host The Monday Motivation Linky this week! You can add you own post below if you have one with the theme of being uplifting, inspirational, and motivational.

My two favourites from last week’s linky hosted by Soft Thistle were:

  • This wonderful post by the lovely Kelly over at School Runs and Shopping Trolleys all about the people who drain you and ideas on how to cope.
  • This post by Kate at Kate on Thin Ice.  My favourite quote “I learned I can step away from the laptop and the world does not end” – something we all need to remind ourselves of occasionally.

If you have a post you’d like to link up, please add it below. Don’t forget to include the hashtag #TheMMLinky and grab your badge code to add to your blog posts!






  1. Wow I don’t think I’ve seen any of these TED talks yet! Though I do have a few faves – particularly those by Brene Brown and Mary Cuddy! #TheMMLinky

  2. I have heard of these talks and am going to come back when the children are in bed to enjoy the selection. Thanks for the mention too #TheMMLinky

  3. I love Ted talks too, they are always given by such inspirational people, the unsubscribe one is hilarious! Thankfully we have GDPR in place now to try and protect us from email spam now. #TheMMLinky

  4. I make it a point to check the NEW listing at TEDtalks weekly. Emotional first aid, dealing with the inner critic, and more — all part of my standard routine these days. So grateful for that and similar “head-check” resources!

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