Remember to have fun
When did you last have fun? I don’t mean a day away, a week off or a visit to the local Comedy store. I mean the sort of fun that you can schedule into every day?
When did you last have fun? I don’t mean a day away, a week off or a visit to the local Comedy store. I mean the sort of fun that you can schedule into every day?
It only takes 5 days and is not a diary you complete every evening, forever. You just do this for 5 days and then when you need a boost, you do it again.
I am going to plan to be positive. I will set myself some small goals each week or month to help me stay positive and, most importantly, I will do all I can to achieve them.
We ended up on the hard shoulder so I could let him look down my throat and see for himself that there was no frog down there.
how giving makes people happy. Not just the person receiving the gift but the person offering the gift. We live in a society where “self” is so important; where mottos such as “look after number one because no one else will” are commonly heard. So how do we move from that to looking after someone other than number one?
I’m now in that era where life is supposed to begin. Yes, the dreaded 40’s. When I was in my 20’s, the very number 40 sent a shudder down my spine, but here I am, a third of the way through and probably the happiest I have been. I am now at that “oh I…
I go through phases with reading material and have often escaped in a good crime thriller- this was based on the premise that no matter how bad things got in my life, at least I wasn’t being hunted by a serial killer (or at least not to my knowledge). However, this year, I have…
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