Being me

Today, I lost a friend

Today I lost a friend.  Those five words cannot convey the heartbreak I am feeling. I lost an amazing friend who has been part of my life for over 20 years.  He was the type of friend everyone should have.  My life was certainly richer for knowing him. Who was Jeremy? A friend who didn’t judge. A…

Plots and Plans

I love January! Over the last few days, I have had lovely long catch up chats with my partners in crime work colleagues and I am now so motivated but desperately looking for the best Productivity App to utilise. Initially I had a lovely catch up with my counterpart in my new role with Community…


Daring Greatly?

Some of you may have noticed a new photo appearing in my side bar. I am Daring Greatly. What does this actually mean?  About a month ago, I was recommended a book by Brene Brown – The Gifts of Imperfection.  I couldn’t download it on my kindle here in the UK but I could download it via…