When I'm Gone

  • How much information do you store about your loved one in your head?
  • How much do you know about them that no one else does?
  • How many times have you thought “What happens when I’m gone?” or “What would happen if I was suddenly ill and needed to be in hospital for a month?”

Where to begin?

We store so much information in our head, where would we even begin to write everything down so we could share it?

Yes, I know we sell the wonderful Parent Carer Brain organiser but that contains mainly current information.  

It’s helpful to you but what about to others, who have no involvement or no real understanding of the day to day stuff?

What about your loved one’s medical history?  What about your role in their lives?  What about the things you do that you had to learn how to do but now take for granted?

Welcome to WIG

A free weekly email course offering you a different prompt to focus on. 

These emails will guide you through the topics you need to unload from your head and give you tips, starting points and motivation to get going.

There’s no catch.  It’s free and it’s helpful.  It also comes with a supportive friendly Facebook group where others are completing the same prompts.  A place of support and understanding.  This could get emotional.  It will definitely bring a reality check.

Having all that information out of your head and in one place will make a real difference.  Imagine how you will feel knowing it is all safely in place.  

All you have to provide is your email address.  

If at the end of the course, you don’t want to hear from me again, you will be free to go.  Just unsubscribe.   I’ll be sad and shed a few tears but as the fabulous Gloria Gaynor once said, “I will survive” but before you press that unsubscribe button, I want you to imagine me sat near you singing “Please don’t go” by KWS.

Are you looking for other tools and resources to help?
Take a look at what else we offer.