Travel – it pays to check
They had been so helpful in the past, I had always been given the correct phrase and it always worked. It never crossed my mind to check!
They had been so helpful in the past, I had always been given the correct phrase and it always worked. It never crossed my mind to check!
After much laughter, it was obvious to the police office that a) we were in a car we were not familiar with, b) we were tourists and c) we thought he was very cute.
When you have a child, everyone has a tip to share, their absolute must have best advice But some days it feels like everyone just wants to tell you what you’re doing wrong. Or at least that is how feels as a new mum who hasn’t had a good nights sleep for months.
I’m now in that era where life is supposed to begin. Yes, the dreaded 40’s. When I was in my 20’s, the very number 40 sent a shudder down my spine, but here I am, a third of the way through and probably the happiest I have been. I am now at that “oh I…
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