My Babies
As my first pregnancy progressed, my years of saying “I don’t do kids” was repaid with hyperemesis gravidarum, Symphysis pubis dysfunction and polyhydramnios.
I love cheese & onion crisps – but only if they are soaked in salad cream (don’t ask)
When you find out you’re pregnant, you wonder what sort of parent you will be. When your child arrives, you wonder what sort of character they will be. As they grow, you wonder if you are getting this parenting job right. Is your parenting helping your child to be confident in their ability? Is your…
Today has been one of those days when I wanted to just say “stop the ride, I want to get off”. Yesterday my gorgeous youngest son started to have unexplained black outs, so as we have an amazing GP, we went along last night. We had to return this morning for bloods. Now, Emla cream,…
Many years ago, before I really knew what I was doing with videos, I put together a compilation of the everyday things families of children with disabilities go through. The everyday things which may be in one set of case notes but not another, or more likely not in any notes, the everyday things parents…
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