When you have a child with epilepsy, it can be a challenge to keep track of everything. Having all the details in one book will make meetings with your Epilepsy Nurse or anyone involved with your child much more informative.
The tracker includes
- Overview trackers
- Individual seizure details
- Date, time, length
- What it looked like
- Was medical assistance required
- and more
Be prepared at your next meeting so you are not having to search through various notebooks and messages to share the details.
When you trying to track your child’s response to situations or trying to identify triggers, it can be a challenge to keep track of everything. Having all the details in one book will make meetings with anyone involved with your child much more informative.
The tracker includes
- Overview trackers
- Individual details
- Date, time, length
- What happened before
- What happened during
- What happened after
Keeping track can help you to identify triggers and develop strategies to either avoid them or how to handle them when they happen in the future. Be prepared at your next meeting so you are not having to search through various notebooks and messages to share the details.