Fed up of having piles of paperwork scattered around the house?
Keep saying you will get round to it - one day?
Download our free booklet
The booklet is made from experience and includes tips and tricks for getting on top of the paperwork and staying there.
Strategies such as one-touch, using boxes, sorting through the piles, and making it a habit.
Some of the tips you may have already heard or used, but we believe there is something in here for everyone that will help you to tame the paperwork beast.

provides a level calm approach along with practical solutions to problems.
She also makes me smile!

What does this booklet offer?
Years of experience of being a mum who receives a small rain forest of paperwork through my door each year
This booklet shares the tips and tricks that have helped me to find what I need when I need it

Step One
Look at how to set your system up to use on new paperwork as it arrives in the home

Step Two
Look at different filing systems and work out which one will be easiest for you

Step Three
Collect the paperwork you currently have and organise it using the systems you now have
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What's different?
There are lots of ideas on how to declutter out there along with lots of ideas on systems to use for paperwork. This booklet offers both, but knows that time is not a luxury we have, so it offers simple steps to get there and stay there.
Do I have to do it in a set time?
No because life doesn't always give us the time to do that. You work through each step, doing what you can when you can. The book doesn't set specific deadlines because we're all different.
Frequently Asked Questions
Life AsPland is launching in November 2021. We want parents to see how we can help. The Paperwork booklet is one way and we are confident that once you see this, you will want to purchase our planners and other tools to make 2022 a year where you find time for you.
We offer a Planner for parents, providing space for all those important details without you having to flick through notebooks, scroll through emails, etc.
We offer trackers. Currently one for epilepsy and one for reactions (or as the practitioners like to call it, behaviour)!
We also offer a meetings journal, with tips on what to do before, during and after a meeting along with meeting templates so you don’t forget the questions you want to ask or check if promises are kept.
Life AsPland has three teenagers, with a variety of special educational needs and disabilities.
They have gone to a number of different schools (special, mainstream and resourced provisions) so she has sat in the meetings, struggled to find a form or report, turned up late at appointments and more. Just like you.
After failing to find a planner that offered her everything she needed, she created her own.
When friends asked about where she bought it, she realised she could sell these. Not only to help other families, but also because the business has potential to be a place of employment for her children when they leave the education system.
By buying one of the planners or tools, you are not only helping you and your own child, you are also helping to create a future for the children of Life AsPland.
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Then get in touch and let us know. Life AsPland is passionate about helping parents like her and she also enjoys creating things.
In addition, she has a huge pool of other parent carers to call on for advice and information when something is required where she has no personal experience. For example, none of her children have epilepsy but two other parents helped her to create what they needed for our Epilepsy Tracker.
Want to see what else we offer?
You can sign up for the free download and walk away but it doesn’t hurt to look, does it?
Add the items to your gift ideas, so when others ask what you want for your birthday/Christmas or mothers day, you have something to suggest. There are several items for under £10, all aimed at help parent carers find calm in the chaos, while putting a smile on your face.
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Paperwork Booklet
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