Identifying your Target Market and Niche

Identifying who you want to work with, what you want to sell (service or product) along with defining your niche are all important things to know.

You can work through this course online, making notes in a document or a notebook, or you can download the PDF that goes with it so you can print it out and work through it with a pen.  You do you.  Some people prefer notebooks, some prefer worksheets and some prefer typing up notes.

02 Identifying your market and niche pdf

Module 1 Who is your target audience and what is your niche?
Unit 1 The importance of identifying your target market  
Unit 2 The difference between target market and niche  
Unit 3 How to find and define your niche  
Unit 4 Case Study  
Unit 5 Challenges in Market and Niche Identification and How to Overcome Them  
Unit 6 Questions to work through