Special Needs Minefield

Parenting –  how do you know you’re getting it right?

Parenting – how do you know you’re getting it right?

When you find out you’re pregnant, you wonder what sort of parent you will be.  When your child arrives, you wonder what sort of character they will be.  As they grow, you wonder if you are getting this parenting job right. Is your parenting helping your child to be confident in their ability? Is your…



Why is it that when you have read everything you can about your children’s known conditions, another one pops up to knock the wind out of your sails? Why is it that your children’s conditions cause such mayhem and turn your life upside down in a way no one can understand unless they’ve been there?…

Stop the world

Today has been one of those days when I wanted to just say “stop the ride, I want to get off”. Yesterday my gorgeous youngest son started to have unexplained black outs, so as we have an amazing GP, we went along last night. We had to return this morning for bloods. Now, Emla cream,…