About Life AsPland


Debs of Life AsPland is a mum to three amazing, challenging, loveable teenagers, each with a variety of special educational needs and disability labels attached.

Over the years, Debs has spent hours trying to juggle the chaos that comes from having to use a system that doesn’t actually work, unless you shout very loudly and even then, there are no guarantees.

She has turned up late for meetings, a month early for some and even, to the wrong building.

She has set up support groups, forums, online support, accessible music festivals, award events and much more.  

Her biggest passion? 

Making life that little bit easier for other parent carers.  

Oh, and stationery. She has a real passion for stationery.

And if we’re being totally honest. Cake. She also really loves cake.

Three young children - a girl and two boys - walking hand in hand along a beach
Woman looking into the distance in the sunshine

Debs doesn’t live in an Instagram-ready home – she spends her time coming up with new ideas of ways to help other parent carers (while looking at stationery and eating cake).

Her biggest fear?

One day her husband will find out that some other partners enjoy cleaning and doing housework.

The Dream?

Parent carers will become organised and more confident by using the tools she offers. This will give them more time to do the things they want to do, rather than just doing the things they need to do. And if that involves cake, they know who to call.

The Parent Advocate Companion

Life AsPland

After years of arriving a month early (or to the wrong building) for an appointment, or forgetting where she had put an important document or sometimes just trying to remember what day of the week it was, Debs accepted that if it didn’t get written down, it didn’t get done.

However, she struggled to find a suitable planner that contained everything she wanted. Like all parent carers though, she just got on with it and finally came up with a home made planner.

After friends started to approach her for their own copies, she realised this could be a business that would be suitable for her children to be involved with when they left education.

When you buy from Life AsPland, you are not just getting organised and supporting your own child, you are also helping to build a future for her children.

Thank you xx

Core Values

Life AsPland does this with the hope of making life that little bit easier for other parent carers.  

Parent carers always put their own needs to the bottom of the list, like many parents. By doing this, they find themselves keeping their head above water but kicking madly below the surface to stay afloat.

We create these tools from experience. We haven’t read a book and suddenly felt like an expert. We have lived this and continue to do so – with all the ups and downs that brings.  

Our Community

Life AsPland wouldn’t exist without the help and support of her family, along with many other parent carers and amazing friends. 

Parent carers are an amazing lot. Even on our darkest days, we will always find time to help another parent carer who needs it.  

The information and advice offered in all of our items comes from parent carers with lived experience.

Good at encouraging you to be your best self.
Great tips on managing your time and looking after yourself.
Jo H

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